Digilocker is Cloud Platform which is being provided by the Government of India, from which storage, sharing and verification of certificates and other important documents can be done easily. You can get the documents directly from the registered issuer here or you can upload your own documents here.
Now S.C.V.T. has also partnered with Digilocker which will facilitate I.T.I. trainees and can withdraw their documents anywhere, anytime. Register yourself in Digilocker very easily through your mobile number –
- For registration certification/verification will be done by sending One Time Password (OTP) on the mobile number of trainee. After this trainee has to select his Username and Password. Finally the Digilocker account of trainee will be created.
- After the creation of the Digilocker Account, trainee can voluntarily provide their Aadhar number to enjoy additional services.
- After this trainee can login into their account through their Username and Password.
- After Login dashboard of trainee will start appearing from where they can manage, upload, share and verify their documents.
- To create account in Digilocker